Enjoy a wonderful buffet including a salad bar, soup, 3 hot entrees, a carving station, assorted breads, rolls, non-alcoholic beverages, and desserts. After dining, relax in your seat or head topside to enjoy the fresh air on the outer decks. Cruise by beautiful mountain wilderness areas on the crystal clear waters of Lake George on the luxurious Lac du St. Sacrement.
Drive yourself or ‘hitch-a-ride’ on Dial-A-Bus.
Lunch Cruise Ticket price (including tax & gratuity): $47.75 Dial-A-Bus suggested fee: $7 (limited seating)
Dial-A-Bus times for this event are approximate. Contact Cindy for details.
Registrations MUST be made at the Moreau Community Center. Contact Cindy, (518) 792-6007 x19, cynthia@moreaucommunitycenter.org.