
Donate Your Time

The work we do is important. From providing services and referrals, to ensuring food is on the table for the most vulnerable among us, to creating engaging educational programming for our youth, to building a strong, interconnected community and beyond, we rely on the dedication of compassionate volunteers. We appreciate that there are other things you could be doing with your time, and are honored that you choose to help us build a stronger community.

"Volunteers are seldom paid; not because they are worthless, but
because they are priceless."

Become a Volunteer

Thank you for considering the Moreau Community Center as a place to donate your time and talents. Volunteers are vital to the Center, without whom we would not be able to meet the needs of those who live in our community.

At the Center, we know that your time and talent are precious, and we want every minute you spend with us to be worthwhile. That’s why we’re asking you to take a few minutes to fill out this application. It will help us begin to make the right match between your skills and interests and the opportunities available.

Thank you for your interest in helping us reach out to all of those in our community in need. If you have any questions about this or any part of our application process.

How You Can Make a Difference

Take a look around the website. Does anything strike your interest? There’s probably a way for you to volunteer or contribute.

Are you looking to share your gifts or talents by instructing a class, organizing a book club, or presenting an important topic? Contact Cheryl to share your ideas at cheryl@moreaucommunitycenter.org, (518) 792-6007 x16

Support the Moreau Community Center